The Ultimate EU Test Book Administrators 2020 (Free PDF Book)

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- AuthorAndrás Baneth
- File type
- LanguageEnglish
- Downloads8
- Pages
- CategoryAdvice On Careers & Achieving Success
- DateAugust 17, 2024
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The Ultimate EU Test Book Administrators 2020
The Ultimate EU Test Book Administrators 2020 is specially designed for candidates preparing for European Personnel Selection office (EPSO) competitions at Administrator (AD) level. It is relevant to all AD-level EPSO open competitions and CAST selections.The 2020 edition is the biggest ever and full of strategies, advice and practice exercises. The focus is on the computer-based multiple choice question tests which prove an obstacle to so many. Included are methodologies, warm-up exercises applying the methodologies step by step, and hundreds of practice questions with answer explanations showing shortcuts and common pitfalls. A brand new feature for 2020 is a specially designed warm-up exercise for tackling abstract reasoning questions, which give many candidates particular difficulties. The book also includes a detailed guide to the whole EPSO process for EPSO Administrator-level open and CAST competitions, explaining how to improve your chances and the common errors to avoid. Note: Candidates for Assistant (AST or AST-SC) exams should use "The Ultimate EU Test Book Assistants 2020" and those who reach the final stage Assessment Centre should use "The Ultimate EU Test Book Assessment Centre 2020"CONTENTS1. What Are Administrators and How Are They Selected?2. Administrator Competitions Step by Step3. Verbal, Numerical and Abstract Reasoning Tests in EPSO Administrator Exams4. Succeeding in Verbal Reasoning Tests - methodology explained5. Verbal Reasoning Test (150 ALL-NEW test questions)6. Succeeding in Numerical Reasoning Tests - methodology explained7. Numerical Reasoning Warm-Up Exercise (45 warm-up questions focused on specific operations)8. Numerical Reasoning Mixed Questions Test (120 questions)9. Succeeding in Abstract Reasoning Tests - methodology explained10. NEW FEATURE! Abstract Reasoning Warm-Up Exercise: how to solve 20 questions, showing every step on the way11. Abstract Reasoning Test (160 Administrator-level questions)12. Succeeding in Situational Judgement Tests13. Situational Judgement Test (30 scenarios with explanation of options)