10 Benefits of Fiber Optic Internet Connections

10 Benefits of Fiber Optic Internet Connections

At 10/6/2023

Technology is evolving at an overwhelmingly fast pace, and today, everything is available at a touch of a button. You have instant access to answers for any questions you have, real-time news updates, on-the-spot notifications for just about anything, or on-the-go entertainment, and kudos goes to the internet. Yes, the internet touches just about every aspect of how you live, work, play, shop, and socialise.

Think back, there was a time of dial-up, when connecting to the internet was a series of mysterious bleeps and bloops. The connection was slow, with continuous interruptions with signals dropping with no warning or a phone call thwarting your connection. Since then, the internet has come a long way.

What is fiber optic internet?

Fiber optic internet, commonly known as ‘fiber’, is a broadband connection that uses fiber-optic cables, which is the size of one hair, filled with plastic or glass fibers to transport data as beams of light. Compared to the plain old cable, fiber optic internet connection is much better because of its speed of 1 Gbps which is nearly 20 times faster than regular cable.

10 Advantages of Fiber Optic Internet

What do you get out of this faster and more reliable internet connection? Let’s quickly walk through the benefits of fiber optic internet connections over standard cable.

Upload/download speed

Better bandwidth

The original use of copper cables was voice transmission, and so, their bandwidth is limited. A fiber optic cable provides more bandwidth to carry more data with twice the output. Especially in today’s work-from-home scenario, this bandwidth proves useful for a seamless experience.

With better bandwidth, you don’t have to worry about continual interference like poor video quality, lagging audio or video, or a slow loading page. This connection also powers portable devices, tablets, smartphones, laptops, TVs, etc., with the same lightning-fast internet speed.

Reliability – reduced downtime

If you’re in the middle of the climax scene of Iceman and suddenly your screen freezes, no, it’s not his powers; it’s actually your internet. Copper cable-based internet connections aren’t fast enough to stream videos without interruption. Several reasons like moisture, old or worn-out copper cable, severe weather conditions, temperature fluctuations, interference from radio or electronic signals, etc., can cause outages.

Here’s where fiber optic internet such as Airtel Xstream Fiber comes in, ensuring you’re seamlessly connected throughout the day. Fiber optics aren’t prone to as many outages since they’re moisture, weather, and temperature resistant, plus there’s minimal human interaction with the cables. So, it’s much more uniform and reliable. This means no fluctuating speed, no sudden downtime and zero frustration. It’s a relief to know you can count on your internet connection!

Connect multiple devices

Gone are the days of sharing a single desktop. Every house now has multiple devices from smart speakers to phones to tablets to PCs to laptops and even smart locks. With so many devices relying on an internet connection, you need a fast and reliable connection. Your saving grace is fiber optic internet.

Fiber optic internet connections ensure you receive a steady signal which enhances bandwidth so you can connect multiple devices at once. The fiber optic internet connection can also handle varying loads, like streaming videos and music simultaneously.


Of course, the speed and bandwidth of fiber optic internet connections are one of the main advantages. But security is one that’s essential and overlooked. Especially in an age where ‘data is money,’ and keeping information secure is becoming tantamount.

Fiber optic internet connections like Airtel Xstream Fiber are far less susceptible to cyber-attacks. This is because fiber cables leak light, and if there’s any tampering, the signal instantly disappears.

Lessens latency


Although the short-term costs of a copper cable connection are much lower, and the initial cost of installing fiber optics is slightly more expensive, the total cost of ownership (TCO) over the lifetime of fiber is lower. Fiber requires less hardware, it’s affordable to maintain, and it’s more durable. Overall, fiber optic internet is a cost-effective investment.

Longer distances

Copper cables come with a typical limitation of 328-foot; however, fiber optic internet connections can carry signals much farther. For example, a few single-mode fiber cables can transmit signals as long as 40km. The distance is based on the network, wavelength, and type of cable.

Cloud facilities

Better signal strength

With traditional copper cable, DSL internet or broadband, your signal strength decreases as you move away from the switch. This is not the case with fiber optic internet connections. No matter the size of the place, every nook and corner of your home/office will receive the same strength.

Thanks to the internet, you have improved knowledge and information, instant access to an endless supply of entertainment, enhancement in medical facilities, improved business tactics, and even a spur in economic development.

It’s hard to imagine the world without the internet these days. Hopefully, the 10 advantages of fiber optic internet connections explain why you need one, stat!

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