A Comprehensive Overview of Securing UPI Payments

A Comprehensive Overview of Securing UPI Payments

At 10/6/2023

What is UPI and is it safe?

Why should I adapt to UPI?

The technology also reduces friction between the traditional online payment processes – such as entering card name, card number and expiry date, CVV number and then awaiting for an OTP that will finally complete your transaction.

How can I test my UPI payment app?

Here are a few simple and easy to follow steps which you can perform to check if your UPI app is working smoothly.

To send an amount to a person with an UPI ID:

  1. Open the Airtel Thanks UPI app
  2. Select a person from your contact list who also has an UPI ID
  3. Now, send them ₹1 as a test
  4. To send them money, simply enter the amount (in this case ₹1), proceed, and enter your personal UPI PIN
  5. Click on enter, and they will receive the money instantly
  6. You will also get an SMS notification from your bank that alerts you about the amount that has been spent from your account
  7. If the entire process goes smoothly, you can proceed to send the rest of the amount to the person if you wish

To send money by scanning a QR code:

  1. Open the Airtel Thanks UPI app
  2. Choose the QR code button and point your phone’s camera towards the banner
  3. Place the banner within the highlighted section on your phone screen
  4. Now you will be taken to the payment gateway straightaway, where you can enter a token amount (for example, ₹1)
  5. To send the token amount, proceed to enter your personal UPI PIN and send the amount
  6. You’ll receive an SMS from your bank notifying that the transaction has been successful.
  7. Now that the UPI payments app is working well, you can proceed to enter the remaining balance to complete the transaction
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