You know how you can style (to some degree) selected text with ::selection
? Well, Jeff Starr uncovered a heck of a weird CSS bug.
If you:
- Leave that selector empty
- Link it from an external stylesheet (rather than
Selecting text will have no style at all. 😳😬😕
In other words, if you <link rel="stylesheet" ...>
up some CSS that includes these empty selectors:
::-moz-selection {
::selection {
Then text appears to be un-selectable. You actually can still select the text, so it’s a bit like you did ::selection { background: transparent; }
rather than user-select: none;
The fact that it behaves that way in most browsers (Safari being a lone exception) makes it seems like that’s how it is specced, but I’m calling it a bug. A selector with zero properties in it should essentially be ignored, rather than doing something so heavy-handed.
Jeff made a demo. I did as well to confirm it.
See the Pen
Invisible Text Selection Bug by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier)
on CodePen.