Announcing Progressive Web Apps from A Book Apart
At 4/19/2024
I’ve written a book called Progressive Web Apps! It is published by the kind folks at A Book Apart and is available for preorder today. It will ship in a few weeks.
I think you’ll find the book unique and useful. It covers ground that other books and articles about progressive web apps aren’t covering.
Most of the articles and books about progressive web apps are written with JavaScript developers in mind which is great because we need developers to build progressive web apps.
But as I spoke with clients and people at conferences, it felt like the rest of team was being left behind. I remember a prospective client who asked me to point them to articles that would be good for a non-developer to read. I couldn’t find anything at the time.
I set out to write a book that answered the questions of why you should build a progressive web app, what your progressive web app should do, and how to put together a roadmap for building it. I wanted to help teams understand what decisions they need to make and how those decisions impact users and scope.
Does that sound like something that might help you or your team? If so, preorder Progressive Web Apps today and be one of the first to receive it.
I can’t wait to hear what you think about the book and see what you do with progressive web app technology.