How to Add Google AdSense in Next.js

How to Add Google AdSense in Next.js

At 1/23/2024

Google AdSense is a popular advertising program that allows website owners to monetize their content by displaying relevant ads. If you're using Next.js for your website, integrating Google AdSense is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to add Google AdSense to your Next.js application:

  • Next.js AdSense Integration
  • Google AdSense in React
  • Monetize Next.js Website
  • AdSense Code Implementation
  • Next.js Ad Unit Component
  • Display Ads in Next.js
  • AdSense Best Practices
  • Website Monetization Guide

Step 1: Sign Up for Google AdSense

If you haven't already, sign up for a Google AdSense account at [Google AdSense]( Follow the application process and get your AdSense code.

Step 2: Create Ad Units

After your AdSense account is approved, create ad units for the specific ad formats you want to display on your site. This could include display ads, link units, or search boxes.

Step 3: Add AdSense Code to Next.js App

Once you have your AdSense code, open your Next.js project. You'll want to add the AdSense code to the pages where you want the ads to appear. The best practice is to create a React component for your ad unit.

Create a new file, let's call it `AdSenseUnit.js`:

// AdSenseUnit.js
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
const AdSenseUnit = ({ adClient, adSlot }) => {
  useEffect(() => {
    (window.adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
  }, []);
  return (
      style={{ display: 'block' }}
export default AdSenseUnit;

Step 4: Implement AdSense Unit in Your Pages

Now, import and use the `AdSenseUnit` component in the pages where you want to display ads.

// YourPage.js
import React from 'react';
import AdSenseUnit from '../path-to-AdSenseUnit/AdSenseUnit';
const YourPage = () => {
  return (
      <h1>Your Page Content</h1>
      <AdSenseUnit adClient="your-ad-client-id" adSlot="your-ad-slot-id" />
export default YourPage;

Replace `"your-ad-client-id"` and `"your-ad-slot-id"` with your actual AdSense client ID and ad slot ID.

Step 5: Ensure Proper Styling

Make sure your styles accommodate the ad sizes, and test your pages to ensure the ads display correctly.

Step 6: Testing

During development, you might want to use the test ad units provided by Google to avoid policy violations. Replace your ad client and slot with the test values:

<AdSenseUnit adClient="ca-pub-3940256099942544" adSlot="7806394673" />

Step 7: Deployment

When deploying your Next.js app, ensure that your website complies with Google AdSense policies to prevent any issues with your AdSense account.

That's it! You've successfully integrated Google AdSense into your Next.js application. Make sure to monitor your AdSense account for performance and adjust the ad units as needed.


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