How to Download and Install FilmForth Video Editor on Windows?

How to Download and Install FilmForth Video Editor on Windows?

At 6/7/2023

FilmForth is an intuitive and powerful video editor provided by IOForth . This video editor is for you, if you are a beginner in editing your Instagram and youtube vlogs and reels . The video file can be exported to any video format. It supports HD video quality and provides no watermark on your created videos. Some key features of film forth video editors are transition effects in photos and videos, voiceover, freeze frame, etc. The software is only available for Windows 10 and Windows 11 users, i.e. it is a uni-OS software . Most of the features of the FilmForth video editor are free, but some of the advanced features can also be unlocked by a subscription of only $19.99 , and you can avail of lifetime access. The advanced features are 4K video export, higher FPS, etc. In this article, we will learn how to download and install the FilmForth video editor on Windows.

How to Download and Install FilmForth Video Editor on Windows?

The steps to download and install the FilmForth video editor are as follows:

Step 1: On your computer, the Microsoft Store is pre-installed. Go to the Microsoft Store app, then type FilmForth in the search box. Then, click on the Install button, to download the software.

How to Download and Install FilmForth Video Editor on Windows?

Step 2: At the time, when we are writing this blog, the size of the software is 527.4MB . After successful download, then click on the Open button, to start the software.

How to Download and Install FilmForth Video Editor on Windows?

Step 3: The welcome page of the FilmForth video editor will open. It also s hows the premium plan available for their software, and the benefits along with them.

How to Download and Install FilmForth Video Editor on Windows?

Step 4: As we continue the home page of the FilmForth video editor is opened . Click on the New Project, to start the video editing.

How to Download and Install FilmForth Video Editor on Windows?

Step 5: This is the home page of a newly created project, where we can add the video and edit it. We have successfully installed the FilmForth video editor on Windows.

How to Download and Install FilmForth Video Editor on Windows?

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