For the first time ever here on CSS-Tricks, we’re going to do an end-of-year series of posts. Like an Advent calendar riff, only look at us, we’re beating the Advent calendar rush! We’ll be publishing several articles a day from a variety of web developers we look up to, where they were all given the same prompt:
What about building websites has you interested this year?
We’re aiming for a bit of self-reflection and real honesty. As in, not what you think you should care about or hot takes on current trends, but something that has quite literally got you thinking. Our hope is that all put together, the series paints an interesting picture of where we are and where we’re going in the web development industry.
We didn’t directly ask people for their future predictions. Instead, we will perhaps get a glimpse of the future through seeing what is commanding the attention of developers today. I wanted to mention that because this series takes some inspiration from the one NeimanLabs runs each year (e.g. 2019, 2018, 2017…) which directly asks for people’s predictions about journalism. Maybe we’ll try that one year!
Automattic has a been a wonderful partner to us for a while now, and so I’m using this series as another way to thank them for that. Automattic are the makers of and big contributors to WordPress itself, which is what this site runs on. They also make premium plugins like WooCommerce and Jetpack, which we also use.
Stay tuned for all the wonderful thoughts we’ll be publishing this week (hey, I even hear RSS is still cool) or bookmark the homepage for the series.