After careful consideration, we settled on rearchitecting our platform to use $FLASHY_LANGUAGE and $HYPED_TECHNOLOGY. Not only is $FLASHY_LANGUAGE popular according to the Stack Overflow developer survey, it’s also cross platform; we’re using it to reimplement our mobile apps as well. Rewriting our core infrastructure was fairly straightforward: as we have more engineers than we could possibly ever need or even know what to do with, we simply put a freeze on handling bug reports and shifted our effort to $HYPED_TECHNOLOGY instead. We originally had some trouble with adapting to some of $FLASHY_LANGUAGE’s quirks, and ran into a couple of bugs with $HYPED_TECHNOLOGY, but overall their powerful new features let us remove some of the complexity that our previous solution had to handle.
There is absolutely no way Saagar Jha is poking at this or this.